Bridgetown at the Plantation Pickleball DROP IN

IF you sign up and are placed on the waitlist do not show up until you receive an email that a space has opened up.

***********Please continue to practice Social Distancing while at the courts. If you are waiting to play and seating areas are full please wait in larger seating area between tennis courts 4 and 5 to allow proper Social Distancing

Drop In Play schedules BOTH courts.

Drop In Guidelines

When players are waiting to play and courts are full

  1. Four players will play a game to eleven points and then vacate the court they just played
  2. Four new players will then use the vacated court and continue the process
  3. Players waiting are suggested to line up paddles in a group of four, to determine who is next to play.
  4. All players waiting to play should be ready to enter courts as a group.
  5. Please remember to ask for permission if passing through another court being used and thank the players while passing.
1 session

Upcoming sessions